Saturday, September 24, 2011


I am a nobody, someone who goes through my life just trying to get by. I stretch my money as far as I can and I don't buy anything without considering the cost for at least a week. Even the food I buy is bought with the idea of how long it can last.

That said, I am so sick of our politicians doing all they can to forget about the people and doing all they can for the corporations. When I hear a Congressman saying he has a hard time living on his salary, which is more than 3 times the average salary of his constituents, the only thought in my head is, enough is enough.

Stop playing games with our economy just so you can one up the other side. The people you're hurting isn't you and your family, it's those of us who were idiotic enough to vote for you. You may not love this country but I do and I'm sick of your politics getting in the way of getting our country back on track. The President may be in charge and he may be the one who gets the most visibility with his plans but you're the ones who keep holding them up, just so you can stick it to the President. It's time to stop.

Everyone knows you can't fix a broken budget by merely cutting things out of it. You need to increase your income. So why do you fight it so much? I'm not going to be cut down anymore just so that you can win your game. I count, just as much as any politician does. When you vote, remember those of us who voted you in, not just those corporations who bought your campaign. It's we the people, not we the businesses.

My bottom line: I'm not going to sit back any longer and watch Congress play games with my life. I will do whatever I have to do, by legal means, to change this process. If you can't do it, WE THE PEOPLE will!!!