Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Words on a Blog

Here it is, my first thoughts on this blog. I've blogged before but they've always been private blogs, available only to one or two of my friends. This on is for the general public and I'm sure that at some point in time, there are going to be people who totally disapprove of what I'm saying. That's okay. I'm open to free speech. Beware: I WILL challenge you to prove your point or to back up your words with facts if I feel what you're saying makes no sense or defies logic.

I love to argue. I've been known to argue for hours, even switching my point of view if I think that will help someone else clarify their thoughts. I grew up in a home with parents who knew how to argue. I learned that, in my home, the only way to get your point across was to do it logically and loudly. Now that I'm more than grown up, I may not like to be quite as loud as I had to be then but I still love to get my point across. I'm emotional, as many people can be, when the topic is close to my heart.

I'm not an angel. I've had my moments of stupidity that ended up with being in places that no one wants to go to if they can possibly avoid them. But I've learned from those moments of stupidity and my biggest growth times have been in the months directly after those moments. Be prepared to read emotional posts that challenge your long-held beliefs.

This is My Bottom Line blog. Welcome!

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