Friday, March 19, 2010


It's been about a month since I last posted. I have all the best intentions in the world but sometimes life just gets in the way. I will keep trying.

I was re-reading a story on the internet just a few minutes ago and something in the story made me stop and come here to write. See, in this fictional story, a boy tells the Prime Minister of Canada some hometruths as only a child can do. He ends up being told by the Prime Minister that he'll make a good politician some day and it's his response that made me want to write this post. He responds by saying he's not a politician because politicians do what they think will make people vote for them. He's doing what he he thinks is the right thing to do.

Now, I know it's a piece of fiction but that really is what's wrong with most politicians these days. ESPECIALLY these days. They sit there and spread all sorts of things that they know are lies because they're appealing to a certain type of voter. It's not because it's what they believe in or even that the majority of their constituents want. They know that people are angry at the way things are being done. Or maybe I should say, NOT being done.

Our country is a mess right now. Most of these companies that the politicians helped out last year with huge amounts of money posted big profits at the end of the year. Big enough that their CEO's got all kinds of bonus money. While the average American has lost their job or is in danger of losing their homes, these CEO's had their companies bailed out with our money, they earned a profit, they got a huge bonus in the millions, and they still haven't done anything to show their thanks for the bailout. Did they cut prices for the average American? No. Did the banks take a look at the loans and say thanks by modifying them so that people might be able to keep paying their mortgage? No. Have the insurance companies lowered their rates or even just held them steady? NO. And all these politicians just keep being idiots.

I think there are three things should be mandatory required reading/viewing for every member of any legislature in every governmental office, be it local, state, or federal. First, a copy of the portion of the internet story that I talked about earlier in this post, the speech the boy gave the Canadian Prime Minister, should be printed out and given to each and every politician. Second, every politician should have to spend their first day in every legislative session watching the movies "Dave" and "The Distinguished Gentleman" for the message they tried to convey. Most especially the speech that is given in Dave by the fake President to the Congress. And third, every politician should have to take a test on those movies, to make sure they understood the point being made.

JT's Bottom Line: It's the very least they should HAVE to do for us, the people they're supposed to serve.

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