Sunday, January 1, 2012


January 1st. A new year, a new day to start living fresh again. Each day should be taken that way, as a new day to start fresh, but we don't. Most of us can't help but carry baggage from the past, even if the past is just a day ago. It takes strength to let go, to live each day as it comes, fresh of mistakes and fresh of baggage.

This will be short and sweet today. I hope that all of us can learn from the past, move forward into the present, and think about the future, living each moment fresh. The past exists as a lesson only. Repeat it at your own risk. I prefer to be more like the Starship Enterprise, to boldly go where I've never been before, to seek out and explore new ventures. (Paraphrased but dammit Jim, I'm a person, not a spaceship!)

Happy 2012!

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