Thursday, November 25, 2010

Random Thoughts on Thanksgiving Day, 2010

So, it's 5:30 in the afternoon on Thanksgiving Day and I'm trying to be profound when all I really want to think about is having a turkey sandwich with mayonnaise and cranberry jelly. A friend of mine in the 90's introduced me to these sandwiches. They're best on soft white bread, like Wonder bread, because then the mayo kinda sinks into the bread, the cranberry jelly melds with the turkey and the turkey just absorbs everything. I've been making them with roasted chicken for the last week but tonight, I think I'm going to get to make it with turkey. It all depends on the size of the turkey slices in the dinner I've got to heat up.

I'm staying with my sister Karen, a challenge in itself, but it's better than being alone on Thanksgiving Day, like I was last year. It's chilly here, not freezing yet, but I've got this incredible heater keeping me warm most of the time during the day. It's her dog Scooter. He likes to be on top of soft things. When she reclines in her chair, he's right on top of her. During the night, he sleeps on top of her hip and the edge of the chair. But when she's awake and moving around, or out of the house, or sitting at her computer, he's decided that I'm a good replacement. And he gives off a ton of heat. Right now, he's stretched out between my lower legs on the footrest of this recliner. I don't even need a blanket with him near.

Last but not least this Thanksgiving Day: I've had one heck of a year since last Thanksgiving. I've endured a cold winter in Massachusetts. I've gone to Washington D.C. on behalf of pancreatic cancer. I've endured a day of travel that included a 4 hour delay in DC and several changes of flights from Chicago. I went to my 30 year high school class reunion and enjoyed it. I spent time in Michael's company and time with Dwayne. I got to spend some time with an acquaintance from high school that I now consider to be a good friend. And most of that happened in the months after I was supposed to be dead. I don't think there's any way for me to NOT be thankful for this past year.

For all the loved ones in my life, may your year ahead be filled with more good than bad, more laughter than tears, and more life than any one person can live. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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