Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another friend of mine

So today I want to talk about another friend of mine from the past. I'm not sure he'd want me to use his real name here so I'm going to call him Claude.

I met him while attending college back in the early 80's. He sat next to me in my Psych 101 class. Both of us were night owls and the class was an 8am class, so more often than not, one of us would be nodding off during it. I think sometimes we used to prop each other up so we could sleep more soundly.

Claude was an interesting guy. He was into a lot of things: music, drama, dance, kung fu, and flying are the ones I remember best. He didn't wear tons of jewelry but what he did wear was tasteful and classy. I remember one ring he wore often, and how badly he felt when he damaged it while he was angry one night. His clothing was stylish but not above his student status. He didn't wear 3-piece suits, although I'm sure he'd have looked fantastic in one. Jeans and a t-shirt, even if his t-shirts were better quality than most.

I remember going out one night and watching him on the dance floor. He had so much motion going on, even when dancing to a slow tune. More energy than most. He was just a joy to watch on the floor, so fluid in movement. That he got me out onto that dance floor is enough for me to praise him forever for doing the impossible. That he made it fun for me and not torture made it even better.

Claude had this ease to him. He made you comfortable just by being near you. He could make you laugh hard enough to cry and he could bring you to tears sometimes with his emotional speeches.

I lost touch with him in the mid 90's and always wondered what had happened to him. Thanks to Facebook, I no longer have to wonder. We are in touch from time to time. He's more guarded now, thanks to life. I haven't talked to him on the phone or in person and I'm not sure I ever will again. But, I do know it sounds like he's doing a job he loves and I know that his magic with people is still there. You can see that by the comments left when he posts anything.

So, to Claude, who knows who he is, I miss the young man I knew and I miss the chance to get to know you for who you are today. But I am glad to have you in my life again, even if it is just on the edge of it. Thanks for answering my email more than a year ago. I've missed you.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A friend named Scott

I have this friend named Scott. Or maybe friend is the wrong word. Whatever he is to me, he has been part of my life now since 1999, in an on and off again friendship. He's from the part of my lifetime when I was very very into BDSM. He came into my life one night when I was on AOL looking at profiles. I liked his screen name and loved his profile so I sent him an IM and started talking with him. We talked for more than an hour that first night. He's a musician, a guitarist, and he's in a few different bands. I fell for his words, the way he strung his thoughts together in his writings.

Later that fall, I got the chance to meet him. He was coming to CA, to bring a guitar or two to a guy in Long Beach that he trusted to fix them. He ended up spending a couple of nights where I lived at that time. The last night he was there, my power had been shut off. We'd gone to pick up his guitars earlier that day and he played some tunes in the candlelight. I had a blast listening to him play. The next day, he left. I managed to take one picture of him, using a Polaroid camera I had. I have no idea where that picture is today, but I remember it vividly.

I did see him again, a few months later. Still a great guy, still magical with his words and guitar. About 3 months after seeing him again, I ended up behind bars for 13 months. Somewhere during that time, the pull his words had on me lessened a bit. After I got out, I tried to see him again but he had things to do and people to be with and scheduling time, even a few hours, was nearly impossible. My interest in BDSM waned, and his words no longer pulled me in. I would see him online every now and then, say hi, let him know what was going on in my life and ask what was going on in his. The distance grew.

Right now, he's in a fight against cancer. A growth near his shoulder that hadn't caused problems before started causing them now. He had it removed April 2010 and it grew back. The biopsy showed cancer. He went for radiation and it wasn't the success they'd hoped for. As of now, there's a tumor in his lung and he's in the hospital because he couldn't breathe. No news for the last few days but that's not always a bad thing.

I'm hoping he stays positive, keeps fear at a far distance, and believes he will be fine. I can't say what will happen to him. I haven't seen him in 11 years. I will continue to send positive energy his way. What I keep thinking of is the song For Good, from the musical Wicked. The very first stanza kinda describes how I think of him now. For those who don't know it, here it is.

I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn, and we are led to those who help us most of all, if we let them, and we help them in return.
I was led to him for a reason. I'm not quite sure what it is but I'm glad he was a part of my life then and I wish him all the best now. Get well, Scott. You are needed.