Sunday, August 21, 2011

How do you see our friendship? Is it one where you can be yourself and talk about anything that comes into your head, or is it one where you talk to me once in a while by answering questions I ask but never ever saying what's really in your head? Or is it one where you'd prefer I didn't really exist but you're glad that someone else is making sure your bills are paid? I just don't know which one is reality anymore. Sometimes, I get the feeling that I'm a safety valve, someone that you can call when you need to blow but then you change your mind and keep it all bottled up inside. You don't really want me there but you don't really want me gone, either. So you keep me on the fringes, never really telling me anything but still talking to me from time to time.

Well, just to let you know, I can't stay like this anymore. We obviously have two different ideas of what friendship is. You know where to find me when you decide what you want in a friendship. Good luck in your life. Let me know when you decide to actually live it, rather than how everyone else wants you to live it.


  1. I hope the person you intended to read this in fact did. Life is way too short and people are much too precious to waste or take for granted.

  2. Thanks for the comment. No, I doubt the one this was written about read it. They are more caught up in their life than in the life around them. But I love what you said. I'd really love to use it as a Facebook status line one of these days.
